
Electric NEON YouTube Intro and Outro/End Screen TEMPLATES

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Electric NEON YouTube Intro and Outro/End Screen TEMPLATES



Available in 3 Colors: Pink, Orange and Yellow

you can change the colors if you want

RESOLUTION: 1920x1080 but it is Resizeable

100% after effects 

Do not know or have After Effects ? No Problem, message here and I will do it for you: https://www.fiverr.com/sudeshkumar07

No plug-ins required

Easy customizeable

Use any font of your choice

Fonts Used:

Clip: https://www.dafont.com/clip.font

DynaLight: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Dynalight

Sound Effects Included

Contact Me for any help or questions:

Instagram: @letuscreatesomething

Mail: sktutorial07@gmail.com

Please do Subscribe to my YouTube Channel



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3.27 MB
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